Sun, Tun
Quality Of Health Among
Methadone Maintenance
Treatment (MMT) Program Clients
In Myanmar.
PhD thesis, Perpustakaan Hamzah Sendut.
HIV prevalence rate among PWIDs (People who inject drugs) in Myanmar
is high at 28.5% based on 2014 IBBS results. More than 13,441 (16% of the
estimated 83,000 PWIDs) have been on methadone treatment in 2017. Evaluation of
the methadone program is vital for efficient service delivery. This study aimed to
understand the context and important treatment factors of methadone maintenance
treatment (MMT) program among clients in Myanmar. A total of 210 respondents
were recruited through stratified random sampling from five cities in Myanmar
where MMT program existed. Several study instruments such as WHO-QOL-BREF
questionnaire, Verona Service Satisfaction Scale questionnaire for Methadone
Treatment (VSSS-MT) and Addiction Severity Index (ASI) were used. The urine
drug test was also conducted to confirm respondents’ drug use status. Study results
showed that 45% (n=93) never injected heroin in the last 30 days, while 55.5%
(n=116) injected heroin. The average daily methadone dose in this study was 83mg.
Thirty-seven percent (n=74/200) had HIV, 16.27% (n=34/209) reported co-infection
(HIV/HCV). More than one-third (36.5%, n=76) received high methadone dose
(above 80mg), while 63.46% (n=132) received low dose. Higher methadone dose
was associated with decreased in heroin use (p=0.034). In reviewing the quality of
life (QOL) of the respondents, the total average score of respondents (QOL) was
60.8%; specifically, 60.1% in the physical domain, 63.1% in the psychological
domain, 59.9% in the social relation domain, and 60.4% in the environmental domain. Low QOL scores were associated with low methadone service satisfaction.
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