Noor Hazwaniha, Jafri
Pengetahuan dan kecekapan pelajar
kejururawatan dalam menggunakan
skala koma glasgow.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Perubatan Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The Glasgow Coma Scale was devised by Teasdale and Jennett in 197 4 to
standardize the assessment of patients with head injuries and neurological
disorders such as cerebrovascular accidents and meningitis. It has been used
in variety of clinical situations to assess neurological changes in patients. This
quantitative study was carried out to explore nursing students' knowledge,
competency and their attitudes in using the Glasgow Coma Scale. This is due to
lack of studies done among nursing students related to this matter. The
relationship between duration of clinical posting and competency of nursing
students' in using Glasgow Coma Scale was also discussed in this study.
Cross-sectional, descriptive research design was used in this quantitative study
using a questionnaire as the instrumentation. Nursing students from diploma
and bachelor degree program who undergone clinical posting in Hospital of
University Science Malaysia was chose as sample population. Only a total of
100 questionnaires (n=100) were distributed, compared to 176 respondents
who supposed to take part in this research according to sample size calculation
due to time limitation. Descriptive values of the variables were expressed as
frequencies, percentages and means. Chi-Square test was used to analyze the
relationship between duration of clinical posting and competency of nursing
students' in using Glasgow Coma Scale using the Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences for Windows (SPSS) Version 12 software. From this study, mean score of the knowledge about Glasgow Coma Scale
among nursing students were at moderate level (74.30%), mean score of the
competency (70.30%) while mean score of their attitudes towards this scale
were at the high level that is 94.50%. The p value< 0.05 (p=0.004), shows that
the duration of clinical posting does influence the competency of nursing
students in using the Glasgow Coma Scale.
An initiative should be taken to enhance nursing students' level of knowtedge
and competency in using this scale since they will be facing a variety of
neurological disorders when they work in the future. This is very important to
make sure that they can apply their theoretical knowledge along with their
practical skills. Nursing institutions should monitor this situation seriously so that
an effective teaching strategy can be implemented to increase theoretical
knowledge as well as practical skills related to Glasgow Coma Scale. It is
crucial to ensure that nursing students will be able to use the scale competently
while minimizing errors when using the scale.
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