Harun, Azian and Deris, Zakuan Zainy and Johari, Mohd Radzi
Nosocomial acinetobacter bacteraemia in HUSM.
Nosocomial acinetobacter bacteraemia in HUSM.
Acinetoliacter ''IPP is a known nosocomial pathogen causing a wide range of clinical diseases such as pneumonia,
wound infeCti_On·and ·bloodstream infections (Bsn. The clinical outcomes of acinetobacter BSI were compared to
· other gram negative infections. The crude mortality ofacinetobacter BSI was 47.2%, which was signitlcantly greater
than other gfafn .. negative BSI. We found that patients treated in intensive care units (ICU), who had longer ICU
stays, who preSented with shock or coagulopathy, had prior exposure to carbapenems, had mechanical ventilation,
were on a ventilator tbr longer periods, had a nasogastric tube, had an arterial catheter or had parenteral nutrition at a
significantly greatei- risk of mortality due to acinetobacter BSL Patients presenting with septic shock or having a
central venous catheter were independently at higher risk for mortality. Appropriateness of therapy reduced the
mortality attributes of acinetobacter BSJ but did not significantly reduce crude mortality in acinetobacter BSJ
patients. This study shows the importance of preventing acinetobacter BSI and the appropriate use of antimicrobial
agents to reduce mortality.
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