Shafii, Noorazliyana
Changes in the inflammatory markers with supplementation
of channa striatus extract in post lower segment caesarean section.
Working Paper.
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Objecti1•e: Channa striatus or Haruan was found to have beneficial effect for wound healing and anti-inflammatory due to
its' amino acids and fatty acids content. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of C.striatu .~ supplementation on
inflammatory markers which are high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP), total white cell counts (TWCC) and platelet counts
in post Lower Segment Caesarean Section (LSCS) patients.
De.sig11: This was a randomized; double blinded, placebo-controlled sntdy among post LSCS women conducted in Hospital
Universiti Sains Malaysia from March 2010 to December 2012.
Material and Methods: A Total of 33 patients from C.striatus and 27 patients from placebo group were included in this study.
Participants in the treatment group consumed 500 mg of freeze dried Cstriatu.~ extract daily while the participants in placebo
group consumed 500 mg of placebo daily for 3 days. Venous bloods for hsCRP, TWCC and platelet counts were taken from each
participant postoperatively at day I and day 3.
Results: Within C. striatus group, there were significant reduction in hsCRP (P < 0.001) and TWCC (P < 0.001), with significant
increase in platelet count (P < 0.001) from day I to day 3. Similar pattern of changes were observed within control gro up.
Between group comparison at day 3 post operatively indicates no significant difference in hsCRP (P = 0.275), TWCC (P = 0.983)
and platelet count (P = 0.206) benveen the nvo groups.
Conclusion: In conclusion, there is no significant difference in the inflammatory markers during wound healing in post
LSCS women.
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