Zubir, Anisah Abdul
A Multifactorial Analysis Of
Association Between Cytokine Levels
And Patients With Autoantibodies
Anti-Ro/La From Northern Region Of
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Connective tissue diseases (CTDs) are one of the common autoimmune
diseases (AIDs) in many countries and always associated with high levels of
autoantibody anti-Ro and anti-La. The current study was conducted to determine the
multifactorial analysis of association between pro- and anti- inflammatory cytokines,
interleukin (IL)-6 & IL-10 respectively in sera of female positive anti-Ro or anti-La
or both in northern Malaysia. Multiple factors including medication and menopause
status were analyzed from samples diagnosed with CTD at different disease onset.
Serum samples were collected from government hospitals in northern region
Malaysia. Serum samples were screened for CTD using enzyme immunoassay (EIA).
Presence of anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) patterns was tested by indirect
immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Speckled IFA pattern was tested for anti-Ro and
anti-La by EIA. Levels of IL-6 and IL-10 were measured using ELISA. Our findings
showed that the mean age of positive anti-Ro or anti-La in female of Northern
Malaysia was 38.1 years (SD±15.01) (n=106). Malay female represented the highest
frequency of positive anti-Ro and anti-la autoantibodies compared to Chinese, Indian
and other races in North Malaysia (72.6% vs. 17.0%, 7.5%, 2.8%). There are no
significant associations between cytokine levels with medicines taken and hormonal
status (p>0.05). However, result indicated that 97.4% of patients diagnosed with
autoimmune-CTD were managed with steroid-based therapy.
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