Hadzir, Siti Norhaiza
In vitro haematological studies of
stichopodidae sp and holothuriidae sp.
Pusat Pengajian Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Thrombosis is a pathologic condition that occurs when the body forms arterial or
venous blood clots that are excessively large and obstruct blood flow. Aspirin and
ticlopidine has been widely used as prophylactic inhibitors for platelet aggregation and
anticoagulants such as coumadin (warfarin) and heparin are used as a conventional
treatment for thrombosis prevention, it is however, difficult to control them due to many
factors that can contribute to coagulation. Further, prolonged usage of aspirin and
ticlopidine have been implicated with peptic ulceration and gastrointestinal disturbances;
and the use of warfarin and heparin have been shown to cause haemorrhage, necrosis of
skin, gastro intestinal disturbances, thrombocytopenia and allergy reactions. Therefore,
the search for more effective agents that can secw·e full antithrombotic benefits while
minimizing the antihaemostatic outcome should be pursued. This could help to prevent
the often lethal consequences of the conditions mentioned above. A part from hastening
wound healing, opsonizations of leucocytes to the wound site were observed with I 0%
gamat solution in an earlier unpublished observation. (SSJ Mohsin-personal
communication). This observation prompted the idea of looking at the effects of sea
cucumber extracts (gamat in Malay) on haematological parameters.
In this study, the extracts of sea cucumbers (Holothuriidae sp and Stichopodidae sp.), will
be investigated as a potential antithrombotic agents
An initial study will be undertaken to look for changes in mean platelet volume
(MPV) using automated Ceii-Dyn 4000 haematology analyzer. Six different healthy
voluntary donors were chosen randomly and used as sample. One (1) ml of blood was
placed into seven tubes containing O.Olml of PBS (control) and extracts of two species of
sea cucumber at different concentrations were used. In this study the concentration used
were at O.lmglml, l.Omglml, and IOmglml Stichopodidae sp.; O.lmg/ml, l.Omg/ml and
I Omglml Holothuriidae sp. The effective dose on blood was determined for duration of 2
hours with 30 minutes interval from the time of the extract were added to the blood
specimen. RM ANOV A revealed that there were no significant different of mean platelet
volume between the seven groups tested. However, for within group analysis (time
effect) of the species, only Holothuriidae sp. showed significant different.
The results from these experiments will establish the direction of subsequent
studies in vivo using laboratory animals. The proposed in vivo studies were to assess the
eftect of gamat extracts on platelet functions at various concentrations of Holothuriidae
and Stichopodidae species. Test group animals which have been initially induced to have
hypercoagulable states will be used to compare with the non-treated and vehical treated
groups. Blood viscosity, coagulation parameters, haematological parameters and platelet
morphology and platelet function t~sts will be done on the blood samples of treated and
control groups of animals. The potential anti-thrombotic properties of different species of
gamat can only be elucidated following the extensive in vivo studies as mentioned above.
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