Leong, Shi Qi
Technological Innovation Adoption In Malaysia High
Tech Industry From The Perspective Of Intellectual
Capital And Knowledge Management Infrastructure:
The Knowledge Creation Capability As A Mediator.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The aims of this study were to: (a) examine the direct effect of Intellectual Capital and
Technological Innovation; (b) Understand the direct impact of Knowledge Management
Infrastructure and Technological Innovation; and (c) investigate whether knowledge creation
capability acts as a mediator role in the above relationship. Technological innovation was
conceptualized into two dimensions of radical technological innovation and incremental
technological innovation. The intellectual capital comprise of three dimensions of human
capital, social capital and structural capital. The knowledge management infrastructure was
operationalized into two dimensions of technological knowledge management infrastructure
and structural knowledge management infrastructure. The mediator of knowledge creation
capability was illustrated as single dimension. Seven broadly hypotheses were postulated and
tested using a sample of 110 Malaysia high technology organizations representing 34.60
percent response rate in this study.
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