Thangiah, Caroline Kamini
Pengesahan alat ukur penilaian kualiti pendidikan oleh pelajar (PKPP) di sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Validation of the "Penilaian Kualiti Pendidikan Oleh Pelajar" or the PKPP
Questionnaire in an Institution of Higher Learning
This quantitative study focused on the validity of a student evaluation of
teaching instrument in a local institution of higher learning. The validity issue was
explored using the unitary concept of validity which takes into account different
types of validity evidence.
The data for this study was collected through the PPKP questionnaire which
is a translated version of the Students' Evaluation of Educational Quality
Questionnaire or SEEQ which was designed and developed in Australia. The
sample for this study constituted students from· a local institution of higher
learning and data was co1lected from 1753 students from 53 classes selected at
random. Two methods of data analyses were adopted in the study: the classical
method and the Item Response Theory or IRT Rasch Model. The classical or the
linear method which is a commonly used method in validity studies is based on
evidence from statistical tests such as factor analysis, correlational analysis, t-test
and multiple regression analysis. On the other hand, the IRT Rasch Model, which
is based on a non-linear measurement model, takes into account the interaction
between item difficulty and student ability in making available information on
item statistics and fit statistics.
According to the findings of the study, the way students in this local
institution of higher learning conceptualize quality teaching is different from the
way it was initially conceptualized by those who designed the questionnaire.
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