Mahamooth, Mas Irfan Jaya
A retrospective study on pre-eclampsia in Hospital Universiti sains Malaysia, Kelantan.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
To determine the prevalence, sociodemographic and characteristics of patients with
pre-eclampsia attending HUSM and subsequently determine the maternal and
perinatal outcomes.
of these patients.
Methodology: Descriptive study, retrospective data collection for 10 years duration
from 2006-2016.
Material and method: 283 cases were selected randomly and all important data such
patients age, parity, BMI, medical background, gestation, clinical complaints,
relevant laboratory results, mode of delivery, maternal and fetal complications were
recorded and analysed.
Results: The prevalence of pre-eclampsia in HUSM for that period of study was 1.4
percent. Mean age of the patients were 30.39 years. Majority (98.2%) of patients
with pre-eclampsia had antenatal booking, 59% were multigravida, while 41% were
primigravida . Our patients had a mean BMI of 30 kg/m2 and a mean haemoglobin
of 10.2 g/dl . 64.7% has a raised serum uric acid level, 94% had a raised ALT level
and 53% had a raised AST level. 23% of patients suffered from complications, with
the most common being PPH (9.5%). A platelet level of <150 x109 was associated
with a significant risk of maternal complications (95% CI 1.57, 6.52, p=0.001). Mean
fetal weight was 2.53 kg, and 37% needed NICU admission. Patients with GDM had
significantly higher odds of having low birth weight fetus (95% CI 2.38, 8.69,
p<0.001) and more likely to be admitted to NICU (95% CI 0.99, 4.98, p=0.051).
Conclusion: The prevalence of pre-eclampsia in this study is much lower than those
quoted in other studies, whist clinical characteristics were almost similar
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