Ngah, Najwa Diyana
The effectiveness of written asthma action plan on asthma control and quality of life among paediatric asthmatic patients.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Background: Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease affecting worldwide population
including children. The goal of paediatric asthma management is to achieve good
asthma control for the children to live a healthier life.
Objectives: To study the effect of Written Asthma Action Plan (WAAP) on the asthma
control and quality of life among paediatric asthmatic patients.
Methods: An interventional study was conducted from February to June 2016 involving
120 participants, aged from 6 to 12 years old who had partly controlled and
uncontrolled asthma. 61 children were allocated to the intervention group that received
WAAP with standard asthma education while 59 children were in control group who
were only given standard asthma education. The asthma control and quality of life
scored using Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) and Paediatric Asthma Quality of
Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) was assessed at baseline and at three months. Repeated
measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyse mean score difference of
both groups after the intervention.
Results: There was a significant improvement in asthma control and quality of life after
three months follow up. For the analysis of ACQ, there was no significant difference of
mean score for asthma control at baseline in between groups, [F(df)=1.17(1,119),
P=0.282]. However, at three months, there was a significant different of mean scorebetween groups, [F(df)=7.32(1,119), P=0.008). The mean score (SD) in the
interventional group was 0.96(0.53) and in control group was 1.21(0.49). Time-group
interaction analysis using RM ANOVA showed significant different of mean score
changes [F(df)=5.03(1,116), P=0.027] where lower mean score was seen in the
interventional group indicating better asthma control.
For analysis of PAQLQ, there was no significant difference of mean score for quality of
life baseline for both groups. Again, there was a significant mean score changes for the
quality of life [F(df)=10.9(1,119), P=0.001] at three months follow up where those in
interventional group scored mean (SD) score of 6.19 (0.45), and control group was
5.94(0.38). Time-group interaction using RM ANOVA showed significant mean score
changes [F(df)=11.55(1,116), P=0.001] where higher score was seen in interventional
group indicating better quality of life.
Conclusions: Written asthma action plan (WAAP) resulted in greater improvement of
asthma control and quality of life among asthmatic children. Thus, it is advocated to be
given along with standard asthma education as a part of the management of asthma in
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