Ismail, Rusli
Neuroleptic dosage for asian patients.
Neuroleptic dosage for asian patients.
The aim of this study is to determine the therapeutic dose
and the optimum plasma level of chlorpromazine for treatment of
acute schizophrenia. Fifty-four patients diagnosed as schizophrenia
and schizophreniform disorder ( DSM - I IIR ) admitted to the
·' psychiatric ward in a teaching hospital in Malaysia were selected
for the study.The treatment was started with 300 mg of chlorpromazine
daily and the dose was increased forthnightly til l
they improved. The clinical improvement was assessed by BPRS and
the chlorpromazine plasma level was measured by HPLC method.It
was found that the most frequently prescribed dose was 500 mg
perday., 300 mg being the lowest and 900 mg the highest ; the mean
plasma concentration of chlorpromazine was 67 . 9 ngj ml.There was a
poor correlation between chlorpromazine dose and plasma level. I t
is concluded that majority of the acute schizophrenia requi red a
moderate dose of chlorpromaz i ne and the plasma concentration of
67 . 9 ng/ ml is within the therapeutic range.
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