Isa, Ismaliza
Evaluation of toshiba gca-901a gamma camera performance by using a material filter (cu 0.125 mm) in tc-99m conventional imaging.
Evaluation of toshiba gca-901a gamma camera performance by using a material filter (cu 0.125 mm) in tc-99m conventional imaging.
The effect of physical filter (Cu) on the perfonnance of gamma camera (Toshiba
GCA 901A) by reducing the scattered radiation has been investigated in planar imaging
with Tc .. 99m radioisotope. The copper filter consisted of sheet of thickness 0.125 mm with
57 em length and 42 em width. It was placed on the face of the collimator. The Tc-99m is
used to obtain the experimental data. A symmetrical photopeak energy window (20%) has
been centered at 140 ke V for collection of data. In this study, low energy parallel-hole
collimators are employed. They are low energy general purpose (LEGP) and low energy
high resolution (LEHR). The system's imaging ability has been investigated via the
analysis of uniformity, sensitivity and spatial resolution parameters. Results are compared
with copper filtered data and those obtained from without the material filter data. From the
overall results, data shows an improvement in all tested parameters. In conclusion, the
physical filter (Cu) used in this study may be advantageous in clinical studies.
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