Lawal, Basheer
Development and evaluation of the standard adenotonsillectomy clinical pathway in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Patient care variation is an important source of concern in health care delivery. It main
sources are in the area of availability of health care services, lower use of medical
evidence, and the professional uncertainties. To reduce this variation many guidelines
and evaluating tools were created from evidence base medicine practice; one of this tool
is clinical pathway (CP), a multidisciplinary structure care plan that detailed essential
steps in the care of a patient with specific clinical problems, it supports and translates
clinical guides to the local protocol.
Hospital Universiti Sains (Hospital USM) had implemented clinical pathway in 2012
and currently conducting a survey on the CP implementation involving eleven
specialities, adenotonsillectomy was selected under ORL-HNS.
To evaluate the standard Clinical Pathway of adenotonsillectomy patients in Hospital
This was a cross-sectional comparative study conducted over a period of eighteen
months in Hospital USM from March 2014 to September 2015.The Universiti Research Ethics Committee (Human) approval has been obtained.
Information used in this study was retrieved from implemented CP patient information
form and from (Hospital USM) Medical Record Unit. Case note of patients who fulfil
inclusion criteria were selected in nonrandomized pattern and reviewed individually for
both clinical pathway (CP) and non-clinical pathway (non CP) groups over a period of
six months. The data obtained was stored in software, compared and analyses.
Total of 60 patients were involved in this study 30 in each CP and non CP groups. 18
females, 12 males were involved in CP group and 16 females and 14 males were
involved in non CP group. The average age of participant was13.9 years and 17.1 years
in CP and non CP groups respectively. The estimated length of stay observed in this
study were 0.9833 and 1.05 for non CP and CP group respectively. The result did not
show any statistically observed difference between the groups (Z=-.853; p=.393>.05).
Two and six post-operative complications were observed in both non CP and CP groups
respectively, Z= -1.506, (P value =0.132 >0.05).There was no significant difference in
terms of complications rate between non CP and CP groups.
An average estimated adenotonsillectomy cost for CP and non CP group were RM3000
and RM3010 respectively this value was lower than RM4725 quoted in MY-DRG
casemix system.
An overall 88.4% compliance rate to CP guideline was observed in CP group. Patient
complied more with 90%, followed by nurses with 89.9% then doctors with 87.5%.
There were eight observed CP variances in this study, six out of this have their sources
from a health care provider’s and accounts for75%, two variances were from patients
and accounts for 25%.
This study has evaluated the standard clinical pathway of adenotonsillectomy by
looking into specific outcomes of certain parameters such as length of hospital stay,
variances, post-operation complications, costing process and overall study effectiveness.
The baseline participant demographic data were almost equal between two study
groups, there was no significant difference in terms of duration of hospital stay, costing
and complications between the two groups.
Eight variances were observed in this study, two have their sources from the patients
and six from health care providers. The overall compliance of pathway has been very
We were unable to obtain a cost saving because there was no significant cost difference
between the two study groups.
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