Tan , Gim Cheong
Understanding The Molecular
Enteropathogenesis Of Martx Toxin Genes
And Cholera Toxin Gene Mutations Of
Vibrio Cholerae O139 Serogroup Towards
Cholera Vaccine Development.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Cholera is a lethal diarrheal disease caused by toxigenic V. cholerae of O1 and O139
serogroups. Early diagnosis and prompt treatments of the disease are needed to prevent death
in these patients. Even though the spreading of the disease could be controlled with proper
sanitation, the best way to prevent cholera is through vaccination. There are several cholera
vaccines available for O1 serogroup V. cholerae but they do not cross-protect against O139
serogroup. The bivalent O1/O139 cholera vaccine also did not show satisfactory protective
immune response against O139 serogroup in clinical trials. Hence, the objective of this study
is to construct an attenuated live cholera vaccine against V. cholerae O139 serogroup. In the
present study, we focused on mutational analysis of MARTX toxin and cholera toxin of V.
cholerae O139 serogroup. Constructed rtxC (VCUSM9P) and rtxA/C (VCUSM10P) mutants
of V. cholerae O139 serogroup showed depleted in cytotoxic properties.
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