Ramli, Siti Mariam Mawarni
In Vitro Selection of Rna Aptamers that Specifically Bind to
50kda Outer Membrane Protein of Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi.
Masters thesis, USM.
Demam kepialu merupakan penyakit bawaan makanan yang disebabkan oleh
jangkitan bakteria Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi). Demam kepialu
masih lagi menjadi satu permasalahan kesihatan awam di kebanyakan negara mundur
dan negara yang sedang membangun termasuk Malaysia. Dianggarkan kira-kira 22
juta kes dan 216,000 kematian akibat daripada jangkitan S. Typhi telah dilaporkan di
seluruh dunia setiap tahun. Membran protin luar (OMP) spesifik dengan berat
molekul pada 50 ribu Dalton (50 kDa), daripada S. Typhi telah dilaporkan
berkemungkinan memainkan peranan dalam jangkitan demam kepialu
Typhoid fever is a food borne illness caused by the bacteria, Salmonella enterica
serovar Typhi (S. Typhi). Typhoid fever remains a public health problem in many of
the underdeveloped and developing countries including Malaysia. It has been
estimated around 22 million cases and 216,000 related deaths occurred worldwide
annually. The 50 kDa outer membrane protein (OMP) of S. Typhi has been
considered as a possible candidate that plays role during the infection of typhoid.
Therefore 50kDa OMP of S. Typhi was used as target molecule in detecting of S.
Typhi. Currently, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies were widely used in
diagnostic kit development for antigen detection from the organisms that caused the
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