Mohamad Najib, Fatin Hayyani
The Incremental Value Of
I-131 Spect/ct Of The Neck
In The Management Of
Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Tujuan: Untuk mengkaji penambahan nilai klinikal oleh SPECT/CT leher dan
pengaruh ke atas rawatan pesakit “differentiated thyroid carcinoma”.
Metodologi: Skan radioiodin I-131 seluruh badan secara planar dan SPECT/CT leher
dijalankan ke atas 78 pesakit yang telah disahkan secara histopatologi mengidap
“differentiated thyroid carcinoma”. Hasil skan seluruh badan secara planar dan
SPECT/CT leher telah dianalisis. Analisa klinikal berdasarkan klasifikasi TNM untuk
tahap kanser, status kumpulan stratifikasi risiko terjadinya kanser berulang dan
rancangan rawatan dibuat berdasarkan hasil skan seluruh badan secara planar dan
SPECT/CT leher dan dibuat perbandingan. Seterusnya, analisa ini digunakan untuk
menilai kesan atau impak terhadap perancangan rawatan pesakit secara keseluruhan.
The incremental value of I-131 SPECT/CT of the neck in the management of
differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
Aim: To assess the clinical value of single-photon emission computed
tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) of the neck in the management of
differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC).
Material and methods: I-131 planar whole body scan and SPECT/CT of the neck were
performed in 78 patients with histologically confirmed diagnosis of differentiated
thyroid carcinoma. The scan findings made by each I-131 planar whole body scan and
SPECT/CT of the neck were analysed. Clinical staging based on TNM staging
classification and risk stratification group were assessed and compared based on
information given by each I-131 planar whole body scan and SPECT/CT of the neck.
Subsequently, clinical management plan made by each planar and SPECT/CT of the
neck were assessed and compared for significant impact on overall patient management.
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