Mansor, Rozliani and Othuman Mydin, Md Azree and Ismail, Mazran and Wan Harun, Wan Mariah
Categorization of General Problems and Defects in Historical Building.
Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita Fascicola de Inginerie, XIX (1).
pp. 127-136.
ISSN 1453-7397
Generally, there are numerous defects and problems which are
common to historical building parts such as roofs, walls, floor, ceilings,
toilets, door and window. Ever since the building boom of the
1970s, many of Malaysia’s historic building had been demolished.
Current large scale urban development continues to threaten prewar
buildings, while other historic buildings are merely declining owing
to the age, abandon and high cost of maintenance. The above
observation is the case with current situations found in the buildings
designated in this study. Basically, it is very important to recognize
and diagnose the defect that occurs at various locations with deferent
types of causes and symptoms. Generally all existing structures
of historical buildings are from stone, brickwork, plaster and timber.
The problem, weakening and failure of the building are due to old
age which gives rise to defects and faulty formation that had occurred
since it was erected and aggravated by subsequent sloppy
repairs or total ignorance. This paper will presents some general
problems and defects occurred in historical building.
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