Esa, Norizan and Che Lah, Salasiah
Local Knowledge On Plants.
4th International Conference on Liberal Arts and Social Sciences 2016 (ICOLASS’16).
Universiti Sains Malaysia, p. 24.
The immense richness of the biodiversity of Malaysian flora has earned her a place as one of the
twelve mega-biodiversity areas of the world. The local communities have long benefited from this
biodiversity through various uses, as a result of their local knowledge of these flora. As such, efforts to
document local knowledge regarding the flora and their uses, need to be intensified before this
biodiversity become threatened or destroyed. To date, many parties have been involved in the
preservation and conservation of the biodiversity of local flora. These include the establishment of a
conservatory of living plants, documentation of species, known or previously newly discovered one,
scientific investigations of various aspects of the local flora, as well as the manufacture of bioproducts
based on the local flora. Some of the formulations of the bioproducts are also based on the local
knowledge of certain communities. There are several bioproducts that has been succesfully
commercialised, as a result of the research and development carried out by universities and certain
government agencies. Sharing of these knowledge with the public has also been carried out, for
example through environmental education activities, by various local agencies and organisations.
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