Ismail, Mohamed Saat
Rehydration after exercise with fresh young coconut water, carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage and water.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Kajian ini dilakukan secara bersilang dan rawak bertujuan untuk
membandingkan keberkesanan rehidrasi keseluruhan badan dan pengembalian
semula isipadu darah (BV) dengan menggunakan minuman air kelapa muda segar
(CW), karbohidrat berelektrolit (CEB) dan air kosong (PW) dalam jangkamasa 2 jam
rehidrasi setelah melakukan senaman sehingga ketahap dehidrasi. Seramai Iapan
orang subjek lelaki berumur antara 20-30 (min=22.4±3) tahun, dengan purata
pengambilan oksigen maksimal (V02max) iaitu 45.79± melakukan
senaman pada tahap kelajuan 60°/o V02max selama 90 minit pada suhu 31.1±0.03°C
dan berkelembapan relatif (rh) 51.4±0.1 %, sehingga ketahap dehidrasi 2.78±0.06o/o
ataupun (1.56±0.05 kg) kehilangan berat badan. Selepas senaman subjek diarah
duduk berehat di dalam bilik bersuhu 22.5± 0.1°C dan 67.0±1.0°/o (rh) sambil minum
sama ada CW, CEB atau PW dengan jumlah 120% daripada kehilangan berat badan.
Minuman diberi dalam tiga bolus 50o/o (781±47 ml), 40o/o (625±33 ml) dan 30o/o
(469±28 ml) pada masa 0 min, 30 min, dan 60 minit dalam jangkamasa 2 jam rehidrasi.
This is cross-over randomized study that assessed the effectiveness of fresh
young coconut water (CW), carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage (CEB) and plain water
(PW) for whole body rehydration and blood volume (BV) restoration during a 2 h
rehydration period following exercise-induced dehydration. Eight healthy male
volunteers between the ages of 20 to 30 years (22.4±3 years), with an average V02max
of 45.79±1.52 mL. kg.-1.min:1 exercised at 60°/o of V02max at an environmental
temperature of 31.1±0.03°C and relative humidity (rh) of 51.4±0.1% for 90 minutes
until 2. 78±0.06°/o (1.56±0.05 kg) of their body weight (BW) was lost. After exercise, the
subjects sat for 2 h in a thermo neutral environment (22.5±0.1 oc; 67 .0±1.0°/o rh) and
drank a volume of either CW, CEB or PW representing 120°/o of the fluid lost. Fluids
were consumed in three boluses, representing 50°/o (781±47 mL), 40°/o (625±33 mL)
and 30°/o (469±28 mL) of the fluid lost, at 0, 30 and 60 min respectively of the 2 h
rehydration period.
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