Bidin, Yeop Hussin
Positioning Knowledge Management As
Key Success Factor In The Growth Of
Cooperatives In Malaysia.
Asian Academy of Management Journal (AAMJ), 12 (1).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1394-2603
Economic and business challenges in the new millennium have shaped the manner
cooperative movement in Malaysia charts its future outlook. After almost 82 years, a
national policy was launched by the Government on January 2004 to assist in the
comprehensive development of the cooperative movement. The National Cooperative
Policy (NCP) will ensure that the huge resources of the cooperatives can be harnessed to
generate and contribute to the economic growth of the country. However, in the light of
many issues such as weak structure and the absence of good corporate governance in
some cooperatives, the present Cooperative Act 1993 is being reviewed and several new
provisions would be added to increase supervision, monitoring and enforcement against
existing cooperatives in Malaysia. It is quite imperative that by regulating the operation
of cooperatives will require also the managing of intellectual and human capital assets
that exist in the movement. Through establishing a framework and terms of reference
such that fundamental elements of knowledge management can be instilled are
prerequisites to developing innovativeness in this growing economic sector. The sharing
of knowledge among the cooperatives will eventually produce better and more educated
human resources that are able to experience greater control over the works and the
administration of their quality working life. Structural analysis of the cooperative
movement indicates the significant influence of knowledge management in sustaining its
future growth given the timely introduction of the NCP. Thus, measures taken to
underline this influence will also be addressed to represent the cooperative movement's
readiness to face economic and business challenges in Malaysia.
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