Rahmat, Sulaiman
Konflik dalam Sulalat al-Salatin.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Sulalat al-Salatin atau Sejarah Melayu merupakan sebuah karya agung yang Tergolong dalam jenis historiografi. Sulalat al-Salatin menjadi rujukan penting bagi Sarjana-sarjana yang berminat untuk mengkaji tentang latar belakang masyarakat dan budaya Melayu. Di dalamnya pengarang memasukkan pelbagai peristiwa yang telah berlaku sepanjang pemerintahan sultan-sultan Melaka. Satu unsur yang menjadi tumpuan kajian ini berkaitan dengan konflik yang berlaku dan dipaparkan dalam Sulalat al-Salatin. Konflik menghidupkan suasana penceritaan di dalamnya. Tujuan kajian ini untuk melihat jenis-jenis konflik yang berlaku di dalam Sulalat al-Salatin dengan mengaplikasikannya menggunakan teori konflik sosial dari bidang sosiologi. Konflik atau pertentangan yang terdapat dalam Sulalat al-Salatin dapat dikategorikan kepada pertentangan atau konflik kelas, konflik kumpulan etnik dan konflik "gender".
Sulalat al-Salatin or "Malay Annals" is considered as one of the masterpiece of Malay historiography. It has been an important references book for who wish to carry out a research on the blackgrounds and cultures of Malay during the reign of Malaccan Sultanate. The Malay Annals consists of various event and happened during the reign of the Malaccan Sultanate. The main aim of this research is look into the various conflicts that took place during the reign ofMalaccan Sultanate by applying the theory of conflict in sosiology. One of the element that is focus in this study is related to conflicts that happened and showed in the "Malay Annals". Conflict is one of the element that put the story to life. The aim of this study is to observe the various type of conflicts which arose in the "Malay Annals" and applied it to the conflict theorists in sociology. This is because this conflicts are the main issues in the story, that gives life to it. These conflict can be categorised into class conflicts, ethnic conflicts and gender conflicts.
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