Johari, Noraini
The effect of the Control of Rent (Repeal) Act 1997 on the rental level of commercial properties in Georgetown.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia .
Kawalan sewa sentiasa dikaitkan dengan kesulitan di pihak penyewa dan perlindungan oleh
pihak Kerajaan. Penyewa sering digambarkan sebagai pihak yang menderita dan tertakluk
kepada kehendak tuan-tuan tanah yang sering pula digambarkan sebagai pemilik-pemilik harta
yang tidak prihatin terhadap kebajikan pihak lain kecuali diri sendiri. Di Malaysia, Akta Kawalan Sewa (Pemansuhan) 1997 telah berkuat-kuasa sepenuhnya mulai 1hb Januari 2000 selepas tamatnya tempoh peralihan pada 31hb Disember 1999 setelah beroperasi selama 27 bulan. Pemansuhan tersebut telah diwar-warkan sebagai dasar yang amat
dinanti-nantikan, yang akan mengembalikan hak kepada pemilik di mana hak tersebut telah dinafikan selama berdekad lamanya.
Rent control has always been associated with hardships on the part of tenants and patrpnage by
the Government. Tenants were always portrayed as being a suffering lot who are subject to the
whims of the landlords. Landlords, on the other hand, were portrayed as being property owners
who has no regard for the welfare of othe:s except his.
In Malaysia. the Control of Rent (Repeal) Act 1997 has been in full force since 151 January 2000
after the transitional period expired on 31st December 1999 after being in operation for 27 months
prior to the expiry. The repeal has been touted as the much-awaited policy that will return to the
owners, rights deprived from him for decades.
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