Ginting, Masithah Dewi
Persepsi suku Melayu di Kotamadya Medan, Sumatera Utara, terhadap pesantren moden.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Telah diterima umum bahawa pendidikan adalah satu alat dalam proses
pembangunan dan modernisasi sesebuah masyarakat. Di Indonesia, lembaga
pendidikan tradisional Islam yang dikenali sebagai pesantren telah lama wujud.
Sistem pendidikan tradisional ini telah mengalami perubahan dan pemodenan yang
kini dikenali sebagai Pesantren Moden. Dapat diperhatikan bahawa sistem pendidikan
ini telah mendapat perhatian dan tumpuan masyarakat sebagai satu alternatif
pendidikan kepada sistem pendidikan umum sedia ada yang mu1a dipersoalkan
kualitinya. Perkara ini timbul kesan daripada kemerosotan akhlak di kalangan pelajarpelajar
seperti penyalah gunaan dadah, kes-kes juvana seperti perkelahian, am alan sex
bebas dan sebagainya. Perkara ini telah menyebabkan sekolah-sekolah umum ini
dianggap gagal mendidik para pelajar di kalangan anggota masyarakat.
It is widely accepted that education is an aid in the process of developing and
modernising a society. In Indonesia, an Islamic traditional institution oflearning known
as pesantren has long been in existence. This traditional form of education has now
undergone much changes in the way of modernizations, and is now called as the
modern pesantren. According to observations, this form of education has drawn the
attention and has become the hope of the society as an alternative to that of the public
school, the quality of which is of late highly questioned. The impression among the
society is that among the public schools, there is a decline in the quality of the morals
of the students, such as the frequent use of forbidden drugs, cases of juvenile
deliquencies, like fights among schools, the practice of free sex, etc. These negative
acts create an assumption among the society that the public schools have failed in their
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