Leong, Yee Fong
Chinese politics and political parties in colonial Malaya, 1920-1940 : a study of the Kuomintang and the Malayan Communist Party.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Kajian ini menumpukan kepada asal-usul, perkembangan dan peranan kedua-dua parti politik orang Cina iaitu Kuomintang dan Parti Komunis Malaya dalam konteks kebangkitan kesedaran politik pendatang-pendatang Cina di Tanah Melayu
di zaman penjajahan di antara tahun 1920 dan 1940. Kajian ini dibahagikan kepada lima bab utama dimana tiap-tiap satunya mengutarakan satu aspek perkembangan dan aktibiti-aktibiti parti politik orang-orang Cina, di samping
memberi perhatian kepada isu-isu yang menggerakkan perkembangan parti-parti, strateji-strateji yang terlibat, bentok tindakbalas orang-orang Cina dan tekanan kerajaan penjajah yang membantut perkembangan parti.
The study concentrates on the origins, development and the role of two Chinese political parties - the Kuomintang and the Malayan Communist Party within the context of the rising political consciousness of the immigrant
Chinese in colonial Malaya between 1920 and 1940. Divided into main five chapters, each highlights a facet of Chinese political party developments and activities while giving attention also to the issues that stimulated the development of the parties, the strategies involved, the nature of the local Chinese response and the constraints of the colonial government that impeded party growth.
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