Nair, Sue
Teachers As Researchers: Researchers
As Teachers? Towards Successful
Educational Research.
The Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education (formerly known as Journal of Educators and Education), 22 (1).
pp. 1-20.
ISSN 2289-9057
The teacher research movement has sought to “... weave a research element
into the expertise of teachers” (Nisbet, 2005: 43). Much has been done to achieve this
aim. There is a considerable body of research which seeks to demonstrate to practicing
and student teachers the value of participating in classroom research (for example, Bailey,
2001). The skills required of a teacher researcher have been enumerated (for example,
Kincheloe, 2002), and there is a range of literature available to give practical guidance to
teacher researchers (for example, Yates, 2004; Miller, 2005). This paper asks why there is
not more evidence of teacher research impacting on practice. To consider this question, a
number of relevant areas are examined, for example: social and political contexts; school
cultures; and teachers’ perceptions of their roles and personal efficacy. Factors within
these areas may affect teachers’ motivation to be involved in research. Practical actions to
support teachers in becoming self-questioning, reflective and informed teacher
researchers are identified. Inevitably, this development in the teachers’ role impacts on
the role of university based researchers and on the relationship between schools and
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