Elias, Habibah and Lope Pihie, Zaidatol Akmaliah and Mahyuddin, Rahil
Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran.
The Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education (formerly known as Journal of Educators and Education), 14 (1).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 2289-9057
This paper discusses the findings of a study which examined trainee teachers'
perceptions of teaching and learning. The sample comprised 162 student-teachers undergoing various
academic programmes in a Malaysian university. The results showed that teaching was perceived as
either a 'directed' or an 'open' activity. Seventy-two percent of the students perceived teaching as a
'directed' activity in which teaching was structured and teacher-centred. This category of students also
saw the teachers as the main source of knowledge.
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