Abd Razak, Dzulkifli
Antidote For Smoking.
The Sun.
THERE IS NO ONE ANTIDOTE WHICH can be used to neutralise the thousands of toxic chemicals like those
found in a cigarette. This is a fact that must be duly recognised by all. However, there is one quality that can
help you kick the habit WILLPOWER.
Willpower is also a multicomponent concoction that has a multipronged
action against cigarette poisons. Each
of the components in willpower not only provide an effective antidotal remedy in itself, but together they can
combine to provide a foolproof
cure. In fact, it has been proven to work time and again if diligently instituted.
How it works:
W - willingnessto take positive and affirmative actions to quit smoking
I - inculcating new smoke free habits
L - learning how to cope without using tobacco
L - love and live a healthy lifestyle without tobacco
P - positive attitude in facing difficulties while attempting to quit
O - orienting all efforts towards success in quitting smoking
W - well versed with the actions to be taken in order to quit
E - exercise and eat a balance meal in the course of quitting
R - resolute, not to begin smoking again
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