Md. Jadi, Haris
Pendidikan Untuk Apa.
The Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education (formerly known as Journal of Educators and Education), 7 (1).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2289-9057
After almost three decades of independence, Malaysian education is now at a cross-road. It is the
choice for the decision-makers to make whether to continue the existing system which was inherited
Jock, stock and barrel from the colonial days or to find an acceptable alternative that would suit our
needs as an independent nation. The essay argues among other things that education has a wide range
of functions in a society and it is the ruling ideology that determines its philosophy and objectives. In
Malaysia this is clearly felt when the process of education is engineered towards the needs of the state
rather than the individual. This is done at an early stage of education where pupils are streamed according to their examination performance rather than their interest. It is argued that if this trend is
unchecked, it will have negative implications upon the process of education itself. The essay also
discusses the need to develop social consciousness among our children in schools. The present set up
of our education is extremely rigid and culminated in a highly structured examination system which
does not generate citizens which are articulate and critically conscious of their own social existence.
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