Abd Razak, Dzulkifli
MY SAY: Envisioning Asia 2060.
The Edge Malaysia.
A group of experts met last week at Tamkang University Graduate Institute of Future Studies in Taipei to discuss "Global Transitions and Asia 2060". The broad focus of the meeting, co-hosted by the US-based Foundation for the Future was on three areas — climate, political economy and identity. The writer gave the keynote address.
The meeting came out with four possible scenarios for the future, ranging from a borderless Asia in a changing world to one that is fragmented over and above the current geopolitical boundaries. The possibility of some of the bigger countries splitting up into North and South, or even East and West portions was not ruled out.
Overall, perhaps the two most contentious ideas in the discussions related to the issue of the "tangibles" against the "intangibles". The former reflected the thinking of the previous century and was dominated by the existing Western-centric matrixes despite the increasingly precarious position of the so-called "Washington consensus".
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