Abd Rahim, Abd Hafis
Population Dynamics Of Tropical Bed Bug
(Cimex Hemipterus F.) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)
Fed On Different Human Blood Types.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Pepijat adalah sejenis ektoparasit yang hanya memakan darah semata-mata.
Kesemua tahap tidak matang haiwan ini memerlukan darah untuk proses pertukaran kulit
dan pepijat dewasa memerlukannya untuk pembiakan.
Bed bug is an ectoparasite that feed exclusively on blood. All stages of nymphs
require a blood meal before molting, while adults need it for reproduction. Artificial
feeding system is an alternative way to feed these insects by using expired human blood
supplies from the hospital blood bank.
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