Azman, Siti Nuraishah
Detection Of Host-Specific
Immunogenic Proteins In The Sera Of
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Oscc)
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Kanser mulut adalah kanser ke-enam paling lazim di dunia dan sel karsinoma
skuama oral (OSCC) yang berasal dari mukosa mulut membentuk lebih daripada
90% kemalignan dan menjana hampir 300,000 kes baru setiap tahun.
Oral cancer is the sixth most prevalent cancer in the world and the predominant type,
oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCCs) deriving from the oral mucosa constitute
more than 90% of malignancies and generating nearly 300,000 new cases annually.
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