Mohammad Rahbar, Mohammad Rahbar
The Use Of Explicitation In Multiple Persian
Translations Of Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Eksplisitasi sebagai satu fenomena universal telah dikaji oleh ramai sarjana
melalui penggunaan korpus selari dan korpus sebanding dalam tempoh beberapa dekad
yang lalu. Para sarjana, walau bagaimanapun, mendapati bahawa terdapat beberapa
kekurangan pada pendekatan sedia ada dalam kajian tentang eksplisitasi.
Explicitation as a universal phenomenon in translation has been investigated by
many scholars through the adoption of parallel and comparable corpora during the recent
decades. Scholars, however, have noted a number of shortcomings with current
approaches in the study of explicitation, such as the translators' level of proficiency and
text types.
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