Che Amat, Fazliza
Kesan Pengajaran Dialogik Terhadap
Kemahiran Menaakul Saintifik, Kemahiran
Berhujah Dan Pencapaian Sains Dalam Kalangan
Murid Sekolah Rendah.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Ilmu yang bersandar kepada kekuatan daya fikir perlu ditanam dalam sistem
pendidikan. Kriteria utama untuk mencapai status pendidikan bertaraf dunia adalah
proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang menekankan penguasaan murid untuk
Knowledge based on the strength of thinking needs to be implemented in
the education system. The key to achieving a world class education is teaching and
learning processes that emphasize students’ mastery of reasoning. Therefore,
teachers should be given exposure on teaching strategies that enhance the skills of
evidence-based reasoning and argumentation during the construction of new
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