Ibrahim, Muhammad
Penilaian Sifat-Sifat Fizikal, Nutrisi
Dan Organoleptik Roti Dari Tepung
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Penggantian tepung 'wholemeal' dengan tepung kaeang hijau pada paras 25, 50,
75, dan 100% telah dijalankan. Kesan terhadap penggantian tersebut bersama sampel
kawalan dikaji segi sifat-sifat fizikal, nutrisi dan organoleptik roti tepung komposit.
Penggantian 75% tepung kaeang hijau telah menghasilkan roti yang boleh diterima.
Komposisi proksimat, kualiti protein [protein total, protein larut dan tak larut,
kebolehadaman protein (in vitro), profil asid amino, nisbah keefisienan protein (PER),
nisbah bersih protein (NPR)] dan kualiti gentian [gentian diet total, gentian diet larut
dan tidak larut, gentian peluntur neutral, selulosa, hemiselulosa, lignin] dan juga
komponen antinutrisi ditentukan dalam roti tepung komposit dan roti kawalan.
Parameter fizikal seperti isipadu lof dan isipadu spesifik, berat lof, 'oven spring',
analisis profil tekstur juga ditentukan.
Substitutions of mungbean flour with wholemeal flour were carried out at 25,
50, 75 and 100% levels. The substituted bread and the control was evaluated for
physical, nutritional and sensory attributes. Results showed that the incorporation of
75% mungbean flour to wholemeal flour resulted an acceptable brea:ed. Proximate
composition, protein quality [total protein, digested and undigested protein, protein
digestibility (in vitro), amino acids profile, protein efficiency ratio (PER), net protein
ratio (NPR)] and fibre quality [total dietary fibre, soluble and insoluble dietary fibre,
neutral detergent fibre, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin] and anti nutritive components
were determined in all samples. The physical parameters analysed include oaf volume,
specific volume, loaf weight, oven spring and texture profile.
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