Basil Qahtan, Muhammad
The "Conversational Lyric"
In Coleridge And Wordsworth:
A Study Of
Artistic And Philosophical Contexts.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) ialah seorang ahli falsafah dan
sekaligus seorang penyair; namun beliau telah lama menyuarakan pandangan
falsafahnya menerusi puisi sebelum mengutarakannya sebagai falsafah. Antara
pandangan tersebut ialah konsepsi beliau tentang proses memperolehi ilmu
pengetahuan, yang kemudiannya selaras dengan proses universal yang beliau
ungkapkan, iaitu yang diberi istilah "pengindividuan".
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was a philosopher as well as a poet;
but he expressed some of his philosophical views in his poetry long before he
stated them philosophically. Among these views is his conception of the
process of gaining knowledge, which complies with his later-stated universal
process that he called "individuation".
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