Sabzian, Fouzieh
An Evaluation On The Effectiveness Of The
Primary School Teachers' Professional
Development Programme In Iran.
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Tujuan kajian ini ialah untuk menilai keberkesanan program pembangunan
profesional guru-guru sekolah rendah (TPD) di lran. Ia memberi tumpuan kepada
pandangan peserta latihan dalam perkhidmatan khusus tentang kekuatan dan
kelemahan dari segi sepuluh komponen model sarang labah Akker (2003).
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of primary school
teachers’ professional development (TPD) programmes in Iran. It focuses on the
views of in-service training participants’ specifically on the strengths and
deficiencies or shortages according to ten components of Akker’s (2003) Spider Web
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