Ibrahim, Syazliyati
Malay Women's Roles In The Family And Their Responses
To a Changing World-A Feminist Postcolonial Reading
Of Ellina Binti Abdul Majid's Perhaps In Paradise.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Untuk memastikan sesuatu keluarga itu aman dan harmoni, wanita
memainkan peranan yang pelbagai. Berada di dalam institusi kekeluargaan tidak
bermaksud bahawa wanita tidak dipengaruhi oleh perubahan yang berlaku di
sekeliling mereka. Keputusan yang dibuat di dalam dunia politik acapkali memberi
kesan kepada sosialisasi masyarakat.Wanita tidak dapat lari daripada dipengaruhi
oleh keputusan-keputusan politik tersebut.
Women in the family play multiple roles in order to ensure that the family
lives a peaceful and harmonious life. Inhabiting the family setting does not mean
that women are not affected by the changes that take place in their surroundings.
More often than not, the political decisions made affect the socialisation of the
people and as a result, women are also inevitably influenced.
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