Loh, Kooi Cheng
Relationship between perceived organizational climate and job satisfaction.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Tujuan penyelidikan ini ialah untuk mengkaji hubungan antara persepsi iklim organisasi
dan kepuasan kerja di kalangan operator wanita di salah sebuah kilang
elektronik antarabangsa di Zone Perdagangan Bebas, Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang.
Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui samada hubungan ini dipengaruhi oleh umur,
jumlah tahun berkerja dan tahap pelajaran. Data diperolehi daripada 111 pengeluaran
operator wanita. Keputusan yang diperolehi daripada kolerasi ( corrlation) menunjukkan
terdapat hubungan yang signifikasi antara persepsi iklim organisasi dengan kepuasan
kerja. Keputusan ANOVA menunjukkan persepsi iklim organisasi adalah sangat
mustahak kepada kepuasan kerja tetapi bukanlah di pengaruhi oleh faktor umur, jumlah
tahun bekerja dan tahap pelajaran.
The objective of this research was to study the relationship between perceived
organizational climate and job satisfaction among the female production operators in one
ofthe electronic manufacturing industries located in Free Industrial Zone, Bayan Lepas,
Penang, Malaysia. The study also examined if this relationship was influenced by
moderating variables like age, years of service and educational level. Data were
obtained from Ill respondents. Correlation results indicated that the relationship
between perceived organizational climate and job satisfaction was significant. ANOVA
results showed that perception of organization climate was important for job satisfaction
but the relationship was not influenced by the moderating variables; age, years of
service and educational level.
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