Liew , Kok Keong
Education service experience : from the aspects of students' satisfaction and loyalty.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Penyelidikan ini mengkaji tentang pcrhubungan di antara kepuasan par:1 penuntut dan
rasa taat setia mereka terhadap khidmat yang diberikan di dalam hidang pendidikan
(tinggi). Secara khususnya kajian ini meneliti tentang aspek kognitif dan afektif
penuntut dalam rasa puas hati mereka, di samping menentukan sama ada ia boleh
menjurus ke arah membentuk kesetiaan terhadap institusi pendidikan tersebut (secara
perkhabaran lisan yang positif, perilaku membuat rungutan, perilaku membuat
pertukaran dan kesanggupan untuk membayar jumlah wang yang lebih). Dari 329
maklumbalas pelajar kampus utama Universiti Sains Malaysia yang diterima, didapati
bahawa hubungan sebagaimana yang disebutkan di atas hanyalah diterima
sebahagiannya sahaja.
This research studies the relationship between student satisfaction and student
loyalty within the higher education service. ~1ore specifically, it examines the
cognitive and affective aspects of students· satisfaction, to see whether the
satisfaction will lead to loyalty (in terms of positive word of mouth, complaining
behaviour, switching behaviour, and the willingness to pay more). From the 329
responses obtained from students in the main campus of University Sains Malaysia,
the study finds that the relationship between student satisfaction and student loyalty
was only partially supported. For cognitive dimensions, "feedback and assessment"
and "perceived benefits" of each course showed positive and significant relations to
"positive word of mouth". But, "feedback and assessment" showed negative
relations to "complaining behaviour". '·Physical environment", and "feedback and
assessment" were found significant and having positive relations to the "willingness
to pay more".
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