Samat, Talib
Gaya Kewartawanan Baru Dalam Novel Pilihan Abdullah Hussain.
Masters thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Tesis ini membincangkan tajuk '"Gaya Kewartawanan Baru dalam Novel Pilihan
Abdullah Hussain".
Bab Satu menghuraikan pengenalan tesis ini dan Bab Dua membincangkan sejarah kemunculan dan perkembangan teori gaya kewartawanan barn, falsafah gaya
kewartawanan baru, tokoh-tokoh pepting gaya kewartawanan barn dan novel-bukan fiksyen, definisi dan ciri-ciri gaya kewartawanan baru, dan perbezaan.di antara gaya
kewartawanan baru dan kewartawanan konvensi lama.
This thesis discusses the topic of '"The New Journalism in the Selected Novels of
Abdullah Hussain."
The first chapter explains the introductory part of this thesis, while the second
chapter discusses the appearance and the development of the theory of this new
journalism style, the philosophy behind it, important figures of this new journalism style
and nonfiction novel,definition and characteristics of this new journalism style, and the
difference between the new journalism style and the conventional style of journalism.
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