Marzbali, Massoomeh Hedayati
Crime Prevention Through Environmental
Design: A Study Of Fear Of Crime And Social
Integration Based On Different Road
Hierarchy In A Residential Area In Penang,
PhD thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
The concern for environmental safety has led to extensive research on the subject of
crime prevention. The influence of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
(CPTED) in reducing crime and fear has found broad theoretical support, but its
multivariate predictive relationships have not been empirically validated. This study
focuses on the assessment of the CPTED construct that is hypothesized to be a
predictor of fear of crime and social integration based on different road hierarchy.
Pelbagai penyelidikan mengenai keselamatan persekitaran telah dijalankan akibat
kerisauan terhadap isu keselamatan. Pengaruh kaedah Pencegahan Jenayah Melalui
Rekabentuk Persekitaran (PJMRBP) di dalam mengurangkan jenayah dan ketakutan
terhadap jenayah telah mendapat banyak sokongan dari aspek teoretikal.
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